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Social Venture Canvas (part 2)

Provide a short paragraph to answer all the questions. Where relevant provide references in Harvard format. Click on each box in turn to add your text. This is no word limit for each section.

What issues have you considered before you selected the ‘social or environmental problem’ that you are addressing in this social venture canvas? How or why did you select this problem out of all the possible problems you could address? What voluntary or work experience have you used to explore these issues?
What strategies (research methods) did you use to gain background information on the social problem and the beneficiaries? What is your evidence that there is a social problem, and how it is experienced by the beneficiaries?
What is the core social problem that this social venture canvas is addressing? How do you know that you are addressing the right parts of the problems (what is your evidence?)? What evidence is there that the problem exists? (literature review, survey data) How do your beneficiaries experience this problem? (research data, interviews, surveys, observations)
What environmental and social factors contribute to this social problem existing? What behaviours and norms allow the problem to persist amongst the beneficiaries? Express the complexity of the underlying issues (rich pictures)
Who would benefit from your social venture? How have they expressed their experiences & needs to you? What strategies do they already use to cope (what would they do if you didn’t intervene)? What assets & capabilities have they that you can build on?
What do you propose to do to address the root causes of the social problem, rather than just the symptoms? What are you actually going to do to solve the social problem? What are you already doing? How do you know that your solution will actually solve the social problem?
How are you going to ensure that the beneficiaries are going to benefit from your venture? How are they involved in co-producing the benefits?
How are you going to communicate with and recruit beneficiaries? What channels are you going to use to get your message out there? What social media and advertising are you going to use to make sure everyone knows about your good work? What (brand) will you use to make sure everyone recognises your work?
What will your day-to-day activities be? Who needs to do what to deliver your social venture?
What materials and resources do you need to deliver your social impact? Focus on the key necessities that allow you to deliver your key activities
Who do you need to work with to deliver your social venture? What help, advice, resources and networks will they be able to provide?
What are the big items of expenditure that you need to run your venture? What money have you already committed or spent? What do you need before you start? What are your ongoing running costs? What will you need to buy or improve to keep operating?
Could this this venture be financially sustainable, if so how? Are you going to sell products, charge for services or seek grants and charitable giving to create income? What are your start-up requirements, investment cash, grants etc? How much surplus do you expect to make for reinvestment and expansion? Will you need to create a return on investment for financial supporters?
What ‘change in real life d’ (i.e. to your beneficiaries) would you like to achieve from your social venture? How will you know that you are successful? What are your measures of success? What things (events, problems etc) will stop this occurring?
When you have delivered your venture, how will the world be a better place?

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